SPC pellets cooling machine is mainly used for cooling 6 - 10 mm diameter pellets, pellet from the outlet
are a temperature of 60°C, after using the pellets cooling machine, the temperature is not higher than
room temperature 25°C.
The pellets cooling machine adopts counter flow theory, cold air goes inside of cooler from bottom and
then go out from top, hot pellets goes to cooler from top to bottom, as time goes on, pellets will gather at
the cooler bottom, cold air will cool them at the bottom gradually, in this way will reduce pellets breaking,
if cold air also go to cooler from top, which same as pellets, then hot pellets will meet with cold air
suddenly, then pellets will easily break. So, the pellet cooling machine can cool fully and equally, pellet
breaking rate is less than 0.2%.
The SPC pellets cooling machine generally works with a cyclone and air fan, air lock. which is used to clean
dust, also it can install a screener at the cooler bottom, which can separate dust and achieve good pellets
after cooling.