Biomass Pellet Manufacturer & Supplier in India

Biomass Pellet Machine Manufacturer in India

Having the Engineering experience in Traditions since last 52 years Satyajit Machineries is one of the leading Biomass Pellet Machine Manufacturer Company in India located nearby Rajkot, Gujarat, Offering wide range of high quality Pellet Machines and Biomass Processing Equipments. That’s when we found these issues of Global Warming, Net Zero Carbon Emission, Zero Carbon Footprint, Pollution Control - both in the Global and National scenario. We thought of being global through national, as said in our MOTTO.

“GREEN ENERGY - BY US, OF THE NATION FOR THE EARTH”, and started working with the ideology of PAN India in our innovative Venture - “SATYAJIT RENEWABLE ENGINEERING PVT. LTD.” & “SRE GROUP’’.

Having the experience of being attached with biomass renewable energy field for the last 20 years, SRE GROUP has perfected the technology and machinery suitable with the various biomaterials available across the country. With the aim to give the cheapest technology with the highest production capacity plants in the bioenergy field, we have already succeeded by satisfying our customers.

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Our Motto

We are adamant about providing the best user-friendly and environment-friendly technology. We welcome customers from PAN India for pellet production and torrefaction plant. We excel in after-sales services and technical guidance. We promise the same quality of all our machines on any terrain. Thus the ‘GREEN ENERGY-BY US, OF THE NATION, FOR THE EARTH.’’


With an experience of about 20 years in this field, we have successfully developed Cutting-edge technology that makes the operation easy and fully automatic with an input capacity of up to 120 MT to process a large quantity of their material. Syn-gas generated in the process is used again for burning, making it economically more viable in this technology. We are proud to announce that we are the pioneer in the production cost control technology of biomass pellet production.

Our Products

Vertical Ring Die Pellet Machine

Vertical Ring Die Pellet Machine

High efficiency equipment for biomass pellet making.
Pelleting Machine


Complete turnkey based pallet plants for various raw materials.
Briquetting Machine


Complete turnkey based pallet plants for various raw materials.
Hammer Mill

Hammer Mill

Converts various raw materials into powder form.
Feeder Box


Efficient to make both pellets and briquettes in the same machine.
Pellet Cooling

X-type Hammer Mill

It is a semi-automatic pellet packing machine.

Why Choose Us

We Don’t Sell Machine, We Save Environment
  • 20+ Years of Experience
    20+ Years of Experience
  • Low Production
    Low Production Cost Machines
  • Operator Friendly
    Operator Friendly


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